
on the island of Rügen


Our General Terms and Conditions

  1. Pay­ment of fees refers to the re­spec­tive pe­riod of overnight stay, cal­cu­lated from 11.00 a.m. until 11.00 a.m. of the fol­low­ing day.
  2. Se­cu­rity de­posits in the amount of at least EUR 50,- per unit booked should be paid in ad­vance in case of stays last­ing longer than 2 nights and the de­posit will be off­set at the end of the booked pe­riod.
  3. Every space re­quire­ment is taken into ac­count. How­ever, there is no legal en­ti­tle­ment to a spe­cific park­ing space. The site ad­min­is­tra­tion re­serves the right to make changes as a re­sult of op­er­a­tional ne­ces­si­ties.
  4. In case you don’t ar­rive on the des­ig­nated date, we shall re­serve the park­ing spaces and rental car­a­van booked with the se­cu­rity de­posit start­ing from the day booked for ar­rival until 11:00 a.m. on the fol­low­ing day, at the lat­est. There­after, the re­im­burse­ment of the se­cu­rity de­posit is ruled out.
  5. Any changes of the ar­rival date as well as changes to the con­tent of the book­ing con­tract should be done in writ­ing. De­lays on the ar­rival day (caused by traf­fic jam, ac­ci­dent, or the like) should ab­solutely be com­mu­ni­cated by phone (an­swer­ing ma­chine avail­able).
  6. On ar­rival day the booked park­ing spaces will be avail­able start­ing at 11:00 a.m. and the rental car­a­van from 3:00 p.m. on­wards. On the de­par­ture day you are re­quested to va­cate the park­ing spaces and the rental car­a­van lat­est by 11:00 a.m. and they should be in a clean state.​In the event of early de­par­ture, there is no en­ti­tle­ment to a re­fund of the fees. This also ap­plies to a dis­missal due to a vi­o­la­tion of the camp­site rules.
  7. Can­cel­la­tion free of charge is pos­si­ble up to 30 days be­fore the ar­rival date, after that 60% of the book­ing amount will be charged. In the event of late can­cel­la­tion or no-show, your pay­ment will be re­tained as a can­cel­la­tion and pro­cess­ing fee.
  8. The book­ing con­tract may be can­celled mu­tu­ally by ei­ther party with­out any com­pen­sa­tion lat­est 30 days be­fore the ar­rival date. In this case the se­cu­rity de­posit will be re­funded. If the can­cel­la­tion was ini­ti­ated by the guest, a pro­cess­ing fee of EUR 10,- will be de­ducted.
  9. In case of an in­crease of the statu­tory sales tax rate, and if the ser­vice has not yet been ren­dered, we shall make use of our right to have an ad­just­ment in the amount of the ad­di­tional sales tax bur­den re­sult­ing from the amend­ment of the law, even if the con­tract was al­ready con­cluded more than four months be­fore the amend­ment came into ef­fect. If the sales tax rate is re­duced, there will be a dis­count in the amount of the re­duced bur­den.
  10. In­ter­net ac­cess is not a guar­an­teed fea­ture of the park­ing space, i.e. if you are un­able to ac­cess In­ter­net at your park­ing space, this will not en­ti­tle you to claim com­pen­sa­tion or a price re­duc­tion.
  11. Have fun while surf­ing!
  12. The place of ju­ris­dic­tion is Bergen on the is­land of Rügen.