
on the island of Rügen

Our rental properties

Camping Prora - Baltic Sea Resort Binz

You don’t have any camper van, caravan or tent for your camping holiday? We offer our guests fully furnished rental camping buggs inclusive of an awning and furniture.


Our camp­ing BUGGS are de­signed for 3 per­sons.
In our BUGG there is a dou­ble bed 140x200 m as well as a sin­gle bed 90x 200 m. The BUGG is also equipped with a toi­let and a wash­basin. For show­er­ing, please visit the san­i­tary area. (0,20 € / 1 min. start/stop).
The kitchen con­tains crock­ery, glasses, cut­lery, ket­tle, toaster, egg boiler, cof­fee maker, mi­crowave, a small tum­ble dryer as well as a tea towel, dish­cloth, fit and a fridge.
There is no pos­si­bil­ity to cook for your­self in the BUGG.
A TV and heat­ing are in­te­grated.
On the ter­race there is a table and chairs with a para­sol.
Price per night: 85,- € per night / 2 pers. ex­clud­ing final clean­ing 30,00 €.
Rent­ing only with­out pets!
Bed linen in­clud­ing tow­els are to be brought along.
The BUGGS can be booked for a min­i­mum of 3 nights.
